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Twenty-five years in the life of a university is a short period of time. Yet, in its first twenty-five years, Nova University has been able to respond to major changes in American society. After Sputnik was launched in 1957, our government and our educational system placed a high priority on science and technology. President Kennedy declared that we would place a man on the moon within a decade.

Nova University of Advanced Technology was conceived in response to the national agenda. In the mid-1960's, President Johnson launched the Great Society, which began to take effect in the late 1960's and continued into the 1970's. Nova University responded to the challenge of equal educational opportunity and minority success by taking education to the student. In the 1980's, in the new information age, Nova is responding by making quality education accessible to all individuals with the assistance of technology.

This essay, written by Dr. Stephen Goldstein, presents a broad sweep of Nova's twenty-five-year history. It is a macro view of what has taken place... Extract from Acknowledgement written by Abraham S. Fischler October 10, 1989

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Nova University


Fort Lauderdale


Nova University of Advanced Technology History, Nova University History, Nova Southeastern University History

The Search For Nova University : An Essay On Its First Twenty-five Years 1964-1989