Lopez Laboratory: Genomics & Microbial Data
Analysis of Sediments from Port Everglades Inlet (PEI) for Microbiome Characterization
Submission Type
Date Recorded
The Lopez laboratory was tasked to conduct a study of microbial communities (“microbiomes”) for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection CRCP 13 project to characterize PEI and reef microbiomes with the standard 16S rRNA gene marker. Files attached here are the metadata for this project. We have combined DNA sequencing with traditional and novel water chemistry analyses (ion chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry) to determine the following overarching goals: i) a comprehensive spatial profile of the microbial communities (and potential pathogens) present in PEI sediments (P) and adjacent Florida reef tract (R) sediments for 2020 and 2021; and ii) begin analyses that may link sediment parameters with microbiome profiles.
Recommended Citation
Lopez, Jose V.; Bilodeau, Catherine; Lee, Hyo; and Krausfeldt, Lauren E., "Analysis of Sediments from Port Everglades Inlet (PEI) for Microbiome Characterization" (2021). Lopez Laboratory: Genomics & Microbial Data. 3.
simper pei 2020-2021.xlsx (29 kB)
TM210316_SW031621_AC91784-AC91792_Sediment report_Final_210420 combined 2021 2020b.xlsx (302 kB)
ca-pei-2021-2020_2021_06_11_21_28 family.tsv (1664 kB)
ca-pei-2021-2020_2021_06_11_21_31 genus.tsv (3248 kB)
ca-pei-2021-only_2021_06_12_14_25 family .tsv (1555 kB)