Faculty Scholarship

Dean Me: The Checkerboard World of Law School Administration (A Play in Five Acts)

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Gail Richmond, Dean Me: The Checkerboard World of Law School Administration (A Play in Five Acts), 34 Nova Law Review 423 (2010). Dean Me is the third in a series of plays set at Avon Law School. Each play describes a particular issue, in this case the growth in administrative ranks, that Avon and other schools confront. But this time the stakes are higher - library layout and improved student evaluations (discussed in the previous plays) don’t involve the 'Do we really need more of THEM?' hand-wringing occasioned by new administrative hires. As the authors indicate, the increased number of administrators and use of the dean title have many explanations. Hiring freezes caused by current economic conditions may slow this growth, but there is no reason to believe it will end unless law schools stop adding services and programs to support current students and entice new ones.

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Nova Law Review

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