

The recent migration wave to Europe from the Arab world thrusts to the fore for serious discourse, an issue the world has hitherto shied away from: the gradual Islamization of the world beginning with the west. The issue is not the Islamic faith itself. Certain elements of the faithful are imbued with hegemonic-domination tendencies marked by the excessive obsession to obliterate others’ cultures. This paper views the Euro/West-ward movement of the Muslim Arab refugees/migrants as a grand strategy for the Islamization agenda; the smuggled Islamists militias are its foot-soldiers. The West needs to interrogate its overextended human rights regimes.

Author Bio

Simeon H.O. Alozieuwa, PhD is of the Department of Defense and Security Studies, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Abuja, Nigeria. He teaches Comparative Strategic Studies at the Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Abuja. His research interests include, defense and security studies, terrorism and conflict studies, political violence, militia groups, strategic studies and politics of resources.


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