

War and widespread poverty plague the developing countries of the world in a devastatingly violent cycle. This paper illustrates a correlation between economics and the role it can play in violence. The author surveys three theoretical approaches to understanding conflict resolution and socioeconomic causal relationships of violence, summarizes empirical evidence of those causal relationships, ex-plores these relationships in terrorism and civil war, and utilizes those theories and empirical data in an analytical case study of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, including a correlation coefficient ma-trix and regression analysis with policy implications. The theoretical approaches surveyed include hu-man security and development, the horizontal inequalities theory, and structural demographic theory. The unique and peaceful approach of growing a developing nation’s economy could be key to break-ing the cycle of violent conflict in war-torn countries and avoiding such violence in countries on the verge of civil war.

Author Bio

Kirk Galster received his B.A. in Political Science and a secondary major of International Studies with an emphasis in Middle East and North African conflict. He completed a semester abroad in Amman, Jordan in the fall of 2012, which focused on language acquisition and Arab-Israeli politics. Mr. Galster has completed three years of Modern Standard Arabic. He earned a Master's degree in International Affairs and Global Enterprise in May 2015 from the University of Utah, and plans to pursue a career in international business development utilizing foreign investment and microfinance, and on focusing on conflict reduction and counter-terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa.

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