The pedagogy of Service-Learning is a new addition to the field of Deaf Studies. As a new and non-traditional course, the implementation of a Deaf Studies Service-Learning course is a challenging task. One challenge is to develop several multi-directional relationships between the faculty member, students, deaf consumers, and community partners from deaf- related rehabilitation agencies. Another issue is addressing the major challenges identified in the Service-Learning literature. Utilizing recommendations made by an experienced faculty member, these challenges are surmountable. This combination of in-class and out-of-class pedagogy enriches Deaf Studies students' learning experience serving the deaf consumers in "real world" settings.
Recommended Citation
Cripps, J. H., & Cooper, S. B. (2019). Service-Learning in Deaf Studies: Integrating Academia and the Deaf Community. JADARA, 46(1). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol46/iss1/3