For individuals seeking recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction/dependence, the most common source of support is Twelve Step programs. Some people who experience problems as the result of alcohol or other drug use seek help directly from these programs. Others turn to Twelve Step programs as a source of ongoing support after having completed chemical dependency treatment. For years, deaf recovering people, like their hearing counterparts have been referred to Twelve Step meetings. Frequently, Twelve Step meetings, related literature, and sponsorship are not accessible to Deaf individuals pursuing recovery. The authors suggest there may be alternatives to traditional Twelve Step groups that would provide Deaf recovering people with fellowship, information, and support. This paper proposes an alternative model of support for deaf people using mentors who are members of the Deaf community.
Recommended Citation
Lybarger, R., & Sandberg, K. A. (2019). Mentorship in Sobriety: An Alternative to Twelve Step Support for Deaf People. JADARA, 33(2). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol33/iss2/5