This report describes survey results which highlight current practices in the provision of workplace accommodations for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Results show that situations considered the most difficult for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing are group or multi-speaker situations. However, the majority of accommodations requested and in use are more appropriate for one-on-one situations. Because respondents identified a limited number of accommodations in use in the workplace, it is felt that perhaps employers' and workers' lack knowledge about appropriate accommodation options. The following are recommended to facilitate workplace accommodations of employees who are deaf or hard of hearing: (a) increasing knowledge about accommodation resource information, (b) development of problem-solving training to help workers identify appropriate accommodations, and (c) provide workers with skills in using a "marketing" approach to request on-the-job accommodations.
Recommended Citation
Scherich, D., & Mowry, R. L. (2019). Accommodations in the Workplace for People who are Hard of Hearing: Perceptions of Employees. JADARA, 31(1). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol31/iss1/6