This paper uses the model of college persistence developed by Tinto (1975y 1987) to describe three factors which are important for improving the chances that a deaf or hard of hearing person will attain a college degree. Academic integration, commitment to college, and social interaction must all be considered when designing programs to support deaf students at the college level. Findings from research conducted at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf as well as evidence from research conducted elsewhere, provided strong support for the Tinto model when applied to deaf college students. In addition to testing this theory of persistence, the paper describes five areas where college support personnel can focus their efforts when designing programs to assist deaf and hard of hearing students in making a successful transition from high school to college.
Recommended Citation
Stinson, M. (2019). Improving Retention for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: What the Research tells us. JADARA, 30(4). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol30/iss4/6