Deafness rehabilitation literature has documented the need to develop independent living skills training for traditionally underserved persons who are deaf. Prior to developing training programs, it is necessary to identify the priority needs areas of the target population. A survey was conducted with deafness rehabilitation professionals to identify the priority needs of the traditionally underserved deaf population. Respondents were asked to evaluate independent living skills areas for importance and observed competency among the target population. Based on responses to this survey, eleven priority independent living skills needs areas were identified. This information will be used as a guide to collect, review, and compile relevant curricula that can be used effectively to teach the identified priority areas.
Recommended Citation
Larew, S. J., Long, G., & Mittal, M. (2019). Identifying Independent Living Skills Needs of Traditionally Underserved Persons who are Deaf. JADARA, 26(3). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol26/iss3/6