Binge eating and perceptual distortion in body image are two characteristics common to persons with eating disorders. The current study was conducted to see if: (1) the incidence of binge eating in deaf college students is as prevalent as is that among hearing college students and (2) deaf women have different perceptions in body image than hearing women. One hundred deaf students completed written questionnaires administered simultaneously in sign language and spoken English. Results showed that 17% of the deaf college students surveyed reported current binge eating and that 46% of the female deaf college students over estimated their body size. This study determined that eating disorders have made their inroads into the deaf community as portrayed by the evidence of eating disorder and distorted body image among the deaf students in this survey.
Recommended Citation
Hills, C. H., Rappold, E. S., & Rendon, M. E. (2019). Binge Eating and Body Image in a Sample of the Deaf College Population. JADARA, 25(2). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol25/iss2/8