The primary purpose was to determine the effect age, sex, hearing loss, and etiology had on the performance of manipulative tests. A secondary purpose was to investigate the relationship between reaction time and manual dexterity. Fifty subjects with deafness, age eight to fifteen, participated. ANOVA revealed one significant difference between etiological groups. Ten significant differences were identified for age. Post-hoc evaluation identified the performance of the youngest and oldest age groups to be significantly different. Two-sample independent t-tests were performed to investigate the between group differences of severe <= 90 db vs. profound >90 db hearing loss and male vs. female. There was no significant difference between severe/profound hearing loss or male/female on the performance of manipulative tests. Pearson Product-Moment correlation was performed to investigate the relationship between manipulative skills and reaction time. A high (p>0.05) correlation was found between manipulative skill and reaction time variables.
Recommended Citation
Zody, J. M., & Gorman, D. R. (2019). Effect of Age, Sex, Hearing Loss and Etiology Upon Manual Dexterity Skill of Deaf Children. JADARA, 25(1). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol25/iss1/10