This study was conducted in an effort to gain an understanding of the experiences of hearing- impaired students participating in a year-long transition program, specifically addressing students' own perceptions of personal change.
Ten hearing-impaired students volunteered to participate as informants in the qualitative study. A series of in-depth interviews was conducted throughout the course of the transition program. Videotapes and transcripts of the interviews were then analyzed to assess patterns or themes of experiences and change common to the informants.
A number of themes or dimensions of change occurring over time were found to be consistent for all informants, including issues of identity, personal values, family and social relationships, communication, plans and expectations for the future, and perceptions of change. Segments from inter views are presented, and implications are dis cussed for the issues of transition program development, as well as enhancement of psychosocial development.
Recommended Citation
Gough, D. L. (2019). A Transition Program for Hearing-Impaired Students: Their Perceptions of the Process of Change. JADARA, 24(1). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol24/iss1/7