Mode of communication and perceived communication with mother deserve attention within the mother-deaf child relationship. This study explored the impact of both factors on each other and on the vulnerability of young deaf college students for depressive symptoms using measures revised to meet the language needs of this population. Depression was negatively associated with perceived communication with mother. Mode of communication significantly related to perceived communication with mother, with oral subjects scoring highest. They were also least depressed. Further analysis revealed that subjects communicating with their mothers through signs only and vice versa scored as high for perceived maternal communication as did oral subjects. This suggests that a "good match" between mother and child in mode of communication positively impacts on the young deaf adult's emotional health.
Recommended Citation
Leigh, I. W., Robins, C. J., & Welkowitz, J. (2019). Impact of Communication on Depressive Vulnerability in Deaf Individuals. JADARA, 23(3). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol23/iss3/7