Parents and Children (PAC) is both a support group and organization. This is an organization that provides support to families in which one or both spouses are hearing impaired. These families also include children who are either deaf or hearing. What began in Rochester, New York, as an informal parent group early in 1985 evolved to the present formal PAC organization three years after its inception. This paper attempts to describe how PAC started, to explain the goals and purposes of PAC, to outline the types of programs offered and, finally, to point out why such a support group should be modeled in other communities where deaf and deaf/hearing parents of deaf/hearing children are located.
Recommended Citation
Mann, H. G., & Sevigny-Skyer, S. (2019). Deaf Patients and Children: An Innovative Organization By and for Deaf Parents. JADARA, 23(1). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/jadara/vol23/iss1/7