Humans of NSU



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Interviewee Name

T. Brandon Hall

Date of Interview

Spring 3-29-2023


NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus

Brief Bio / Description of Interviewee

In the midst of all this the student newspaper, posts that I am a suspect in a sexual assault on the cover of the student paper. It’s freshman fall and I am trying to navigate being a student much less the accusations that are happening. I still don’t remember where I was or what I was doing. Fortunately, one of my floormates saved me. I didn't realize they were interviewing the other students. She remembered that we happened, as a group, to be in the student lounge together until almost sunrise. She was able to account for my whereabouts from 10 o’clock to almost sunrise of the next day that I was accused. I was really grateful to her. That experience really sits with me. I went to boarding school, I went to an ivy league school. I have two parents. I am fairly educated, and I think when we watch on the news that these things are happening to people of color across the country, we think that these things are happening to someone else. That’s why I really want to tell this story. It’s a really hard story to tell because still I carry that trauma where I am up at night. For years I couldn’t sleep before sunrise. Had I been asleep on the night I was accused, and I had been in my room alone, no one would have been able to account for whereabouts. I don’t know what would have been of my life from a single accusation. The irony is I was a sexual assault and abuse peer advisor and I know the stories of how hard it is to make an accusation for a lot of different communities. I have always struggled with the idea of telling this story weighted with the fact that I know it is so hard to make an accusation. I never want my experience to be a barrier to survivors having their stories heard.

Camera Equipment

Nikon Z6

Audio Equipment

iPhone 11 Pro Max


exhibit, photographs, life stories
