HCBE Theses and Dissertations
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Date of Award
Document Type
Dissertation - NSU Access Only
Degree Name
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship
Joung Kim
Committee Member
Lori Holder-Webb
Committee Member
Roberta Rodriguez Thomas
This study tests a model which suggests that the external forces on a firm, the size and age of the firm, the industry and competitive market in which a firm operates, the level of leverage of the firm, as well as whether it has good or bad news regarding future earnings have an impact on whether a firm provides precise forecasts in its MD&A. Furthermore, the model suggests that firms providing precise forward-looking statements in the MD&A have lower forecast errors. Using 2SLS, the proposed model is tested using forward-looking statements regarding sales, earnings per share, cash flow, and capital expenditures extracted from the 2004 and 2005 annual reports of firms listed on the 2002 Fortune 500 list.
NSUWorks Citation
Anita Rae Morgan. 2010. THE RELIABILITY OF FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS IN THE MD&AS OF FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES. Doctoral dissertation. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship. (79)