"The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Family-Friendly Human Resource Pol" by LaRoyce E. Morgan

HCBE Theses and Dissertations

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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship


Richard Caldarola

Committee Member

Sabrina Segal

Committee Member

Terrell G Manyak


Men and women are both faced with daily decisions that affect their families and their work. This paper will look at the overall satisfaction of employees as it relates to work &ndash life conflict. The concept has expanded as there are more responsibilities outside of the job setting that include volunteer commitments, personal development, home life and elder care. Since lifestyles have changed and there are significant pressures that all employees are facing, work &ndash life has become a significant benefit issue. Family &ndash friendly policies may help organizations to assist employees with balancing work and family. Conflict roles can spillover from the work domain to the family domain and from the family domain to the work domain. Time and technical connectivity are factors in work overload. Supporting employees could contribute to job satisfaction by offering alternative work schedules and family-friendly benefits. Organizations that offer flexible alternatives can engage employees and decrease job turnover.

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