Department of Physician Assistant Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc. | Department of Physician Assistant | Nova Southeastern University
Department of Physician Assistant Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.

Department of Physician Assistant Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.



Submissions from 2015

Adult ADHD: Chasing Rabbits, Laura Gunder-McClary

Hepatitis C Update, Laura Gunder-McClary

Human Patient Simulation: Student leadership achieved through mentoring and modeling in health care education by teamwork, John Rafalko and Michael Johnson

Submissions from 2014

Distinguishing EOE from GERD, Alicia Bolden

Hyponatremia: An Interactive Discourse, Harvey Feldman

Improving Test-writing skills, Harvey Feldman

Test Writing Skills: Criterion vs. Norm-Referenced Tests, Harvey Feldman

Top Ten Ways to Kill Kidneys, Harvey Feldman

Adult ADHD: Chasing Rabbits, Laura Gunder-McClary

Endocrinology CME Review, Laura Gunder-McClary

Endocrinology Review, Laura Gunder-McClary

ENT Review, Laura Gunder-McClary

Pediatrics CME Review, Laura Gunder-McClary

Update on Hepatitis C, Laura Gunder-McClary

Enhancing Teaching Through Music and Student Interactive Learning, Pamela B. Jaffey and John W. Rafalko

Are Graduate Record Examination Scores Predictive of Success on the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination?, Julie Keena

3D Rendering on a Budget, David L. King

Retrieval Based Learning Strategies, Melba Iris Ovalle

The Impact of an Educational Intervention on Elementary School Student Knowledge of Dengue Fever and Its Prevention, Kyrus Patch

Rare Ovarian Teratoma Presentation of Limbic Encephalopathy: A Case Study, John Rafalko

Endocrine System - The Other Controling System, Hugh Rappa

Nephrology: Structure, Functure and Dysfunction, Hugh Rappa

Test Item writing workshop, Mara Sanchez

Submissions from 2013

Orthopedic Recertification section, Stephen Andreades

Facilitating the Graduate Project for PA Students, Barbara Austen

Facilitating the Graduate Project for PA Students, Barbara Austen

CASPA Application: 7 things that can kill your application, Alicia Bolden and Robin Schugar

Teaching In Your PJs: Hybrid Learning in PA Education, Melissa Coffman

Endocrinology CME Review, Laura Gunder-McClary

Endocrinology CME review, Laura Gunder-McClary

Medical Sonography for Medical Students: FAST Exam and Focused Ultrasound in the ER, Jorge Han, Racheal McInnis, Deborah Mendelsohn, and Patricia Toribio


Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, Michael Johnson

New Trends in Biologics for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Melba Ovalle

Social Media and Health Care: A Call for Professionalism Education, Susan Ryan

The Need for Interprofessional Education, Susan Ryan

Test Item writing tips for PA educators, Mara Sanchez

Test Item writing workshop, Mara Sanchez

Submissions from 2012

More Than Flash Cards: Helping Improve Student Success, Melissa Coffman

Using Film to Teach Professionalism to Physician Assistants: Update, Albert Coombs and Frederick Paola

Aldosterone is back, Harvey Feldman

Aldosterone is back - new insights into an old friend, Harvey Feldman

Cardio-renal or is it reno-cardiac syndrome?, Harvey Feldman

Go with the flow - the use of diuretics in clinical practice, Harvey Feldman

Diagnosis & Managment of Lupus & its Variants, Melba Ovalle

Acute Abdomen with a Rare Presentation of Emphysematous Cholecystitis: A Case Study, John Rafalko

Submissions from 2011

Clinical Practice to Education: Orienting New Faculty, Melissa Coffman

Taking Back the Classroom: Monitoring Professionalism in Students, Melissa Coffman and Robin Schugar

Taking Back the Classroom: Monitoring Professionalism in Students, Melissa Coffman, Robin Schugar, and John Rafalko

Using Film to Teach Professionalism to Physician Assistants, Albert Coombs and Frederick Paola

Controversies in hypertension, Harvey Feldman

Death by MRI, Harvey Feldman

Hyperkalemia - an interactive discourse, Harvey Feldman

Hyponatremia Update, Harvey Feldman

Using Pageburst, Racheal McInnis

Submissions from 2010

Cardiorenal syndrome, Harvey Feldman

Endocrinology Review, Harvey Feldman

Hyponatremia, Harvey Feldman

Nephrology Review 2010, Harvey Feldman

Resistant hypertension, Harvey Feldman

Resistant hypertension, Harvey Feldman

Special K: An interactive discourse on hypokalemia, Harvey Feldman

Top ten ways to kill kidneys for nephrology advanced practitioners, Harvey Feldman

Top ten ways to kill kidneys in primary care, Harvey Feldman

Medical acupuncture: at what point?, Frederick Paola

Wound care, Frederick Paola

E portfolio: an innovative electronic educational technology for faculty to document their teaching, scholarship, and service., John Rafalko

Submissions from 2009

Mitchell v. Board of Bar Examiners, Frederick Paola

Prevention of medical errors., Frederick Paola

Shifting the blame: a focus on hospital liabili, Frederick Paola

Submissions from 2008

ENT Review for PA students, Mara Sanchez

Submissions from 2007

Let Me Edutain You!, Racheal McInnis

Submissions from 2006

Patient Education: Teaching Students to Teach Others, Melissa Coffman

Patient Education: Teaching Students to Teach Others, Melissa Coffman

Submissions from 2005

An Evaluation of Suture Training in Physician Assistant Education, John Keith Williams