"Meal Preparation Resources for Picky Eaters and Children with Type 2 D" by Janelle Kangaloo

Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Elizabeth Parker

Second Mentor

Erin Helms


This 16-week capstone project was completed at Parker Place, A Children's Health, and Wellness Center, focusing on program development. The goal of this capstone project was to implement an occupation-based approach to improve the health outcomes related to nutrition and eating for adolescent patients at Parker Place. The student offered knowledge about an occupational therapists role in feeding and nutrition in a non-traditional setting, created an interactive e-book to help patients with type II diabetes mellitus and their parents/caregivers make educated and informed choices while eating at fast-food restaurants, developed meal and snack guides for patients to reduce parent/caregiver burden during mealtime and promote sequencing skills and independence with meal preparation, and created video resources focusing on how to create a positive mealtime experience as well as ways to introduce new foods to children that are picky eaters.
