"Implementation of Basic Life Skills and the Effectiveness of a Cooking" by Meghan Cote

Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Adeline Warren OTR/L


The culminating project for this doctoral capstone experience (DCE) assessed the need to implement a cooking group within the inpatient rehab setting at Lakeland Regional Hospital for adults reintegrating into the community. The focus area identified for this DCE is program development. The component of program development consists of a cooking group with a pre and post-survey for active participants to complete. The purpose of the survey will determine each participant's viewpoints on their current capabilities before and after participating in one cooking group, along with their views of the outcome of the cooking group as a means of beneficial therapy. Survey results will determine if a cooking group is beneficial for those currently in the inpatient rehab stage of treatment and assist the clinicians in engaging the clients’ abilities and improvement in cooking skills. The cooking group will be provided once a week for 10 weeks.

Within the inpatient rehabilitation setting at Lakeland Regional Hospital, the population consists of various diagnoses, including multi-trauma which are receiving rehab treatment for an appropriate duration of time. A cooking group allows co-treating while clients are provided time to socialize with their peers during therapy, whereas they are typically alone in this setting. For clients who are soon to be reintegrated back into the community, the group teaches important safety techniques, functional mobility, use of adaptive equipment, completing Activities of Daily Living/ Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADLs/IADLs), energy conservation techniques, and strengthening exercises that may benefit their overall independence.

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