"Postpartum And Pediatric Education Program For Mothers" by Lacie T. Ellithorpe

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Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Kari Rasmussen, OTD, OTR/L


My capstone experience included the focus area(s) of Clinical Practice Skills and Education. The aim of this capstone project was to create an ergonomic education program to address new motherhood and their occupations of health management and maintenance, sleep and rest, breastfeeding and other baby care, community mobility, and leisure. My Capstone Mentor was Dr. Kari Rasmussen, OTD, OTR/L. Becoming a new mother is considered a major life event, due to significant role changes that impact a mother’s everyday occupations. The population I served was new and expectant mothers in order to provide ergonomic education as they relate to the mothers’ new roles, habits, and routines. Occupational therapists are well-versed to address the contexts, roles, and routines of a client which can also be implemented in therapy with new mothers who experience a notable impact on their daily lives and occupations.
