HPD Library Presentations, Speeches, Lectures, Posters, Events, etc.
A New Way to Look at Old Bones: Launching a Virtual Reality Service at a Health Sciences Library
Conference Title
MLA 119th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Medical Library Association
Chicago, IL
Date of original Performance / Presentation
Publication Date / Copyright Date
Summer 5-7-2019
Background : This project's primary objective is to establish a sustainable and scalable virtual reality (VR) library service with a focus on virtual anatomy and medical simulation. A secondary objective is to develop inter-professional collaboration within our institution and support VR projects on medical/health sciences education and research initiatives.
Description : This initiative stemmed from an exploration of digital anatomy resources; VR was favored for its three-dimensional, immersive, and gamified approach to educational content. This presentation describes our process of launching and integrating VR as a new resource, including our decisions on hardware and software, staffing/workflow, policy and safety guidelines, outreach and programming, as well as use cases for VR technology in a health sciences library beyond anatomy resources.
Conclusion : The VR Lab has been successful in offering unique, virtual experiences that are academically relevant to our students, faculty and staff. As we continue to evaluate and demo applications, the VR equipment has been utilized for curricular activities in the case of anatomy simulation, and co-curricular activities in the case of self-study. Future projects will include surveys to validate apps, and increased outreach and programming to our students, faculty and staff.
Health Sciences and Medical Librarianship
virtual reality, health sciences library, medical library
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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NSUWorks Citation
Rahaman, Tariq and Sager, Aaron, "A New Way to Look at Old Bones: Launching a Virtual Reality Service at a Health Sciences Library" (2019). HPD Library Presentations, Speeches, Lectures, Posters, Events, etc.. 3.