
Submissions from 1990

A "Working Party" approach to planning inservice training in manual signs for an entire public school staff., B. L. Loeding, Carole Zangari, and L. Lloyd

Efficient linkage of 10 loci in the proximal region of the mouse X chromosome., L J. Mullins, D A. Stephenson, S G. Grant, and V M. Chapman

New directions: Constituencies and responsibilities, Linda C. Niessen

Presidential Address. Sharing visions & voices: Oral health advocacy in the future, Linda C. Niessen

Oral manifestations in American veterans with HIV infection, Linda C. Niessen and R. E. Duffy

Issues in financing dental care for the elderly, Linda C. Niessen, J. A. Jones, and R. Adelson

Prevalence of oral soft tissue pathology in long term extended care hospital in patients, Linda C. Niessen, P. A. Swango, D. V. Kleinman, P. Levinson, and L. Swisher

A study of the expository process model in mental health settings., Raymond L. Ownby

A study of the expository process model in school psychological reports, Raymond L. Ownby

Empirical clusters of disordered behavior among older psychiatric inpatients., Raymond L. Ownby and H P. Seibel

A combined factor analysis of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory and the MMPI in an offender population., Raymond L. Ownby, F H. Wallbrown, Cheryl N. Carmin, and R W. Barnett

HTLV-I/II seropositivity and death from AIDS among HIV-1 seropositive intravenous drug users., J B. Page, S H. Lai, D D. Chitwood, Nancy G. Klimas, P C. Smith, and Mary A. Fletcher

HTLV-I/II seropositivity and death from AIDS among HIV-1 seropositive intravenous drug users, J. B. Page, S. H. Lai, D. D. Chitwood, Nancy G. Klimas, P. C. Smith, and Mary A. Fletcher

Leukocyte immunophenotyping by flow cytometry in a multisite study: standardization, quality control, and normal values in the Transfusion Safety Study. The Transfusion Safety Study Group., J W. Parker, B Adelsberg, S P. Azen, D Boone, Mary A. Fletcher, G F. Gjerset, J Hassett, J Kaplan, J C. Niland, and T Odom-Maryon

Epstein-Barr virus infection and immunologic dysfunction in patients with aqueous tear deficiency, S. C. Pflugfelder, S. C. Tseng, J. S. Pepose, Mary A. Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, and W. Feuer

A Low Cost General Psychology Communication Network, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD

Using a Real-Time Replay of Students' Word Processing to Understand and Promote Better Writing, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD

Regulation of plasma atrial natriuretic peptide by the central nervous system., A L. Rauch; M F. Callahan; V M. Buckalew, Jr; and Mariana Morris

Generalized staining and occlusal wear patterns, Michael Alan Siegel

Oral mucosal blistering disorder, Michael Alan Siegel

Certification in Administration and Interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neuropeptide gene expression in hypothalamic magnocellular neurons of normal and hypophysectomized rats: a combined immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization study., M J. Villar, B Meister, R Cortés, M Schalling, Mariana Morris, and T Hökfelt

Submissions from 1989

Cultured hypothalamic explants from spontaneously hypertensive rats have decreased vasopressin and oxytocin content and release., B A. Bennett, J Clodfelter, D K. Sundberg, and Mariana Morris

An immunochemical and biochemical study of catecholaminergic activity in dissociated hypothalamic cultures., B A. Bennett and Mariana Morris

Multiple sclerosis-like illness occurring with human immunodeficiency virus infection., J R. Berger, W A. Sheremata, L Resnick, S Atherton, Mary A. Fletcher, and M Norenberg

Comparison of the physical and recombination maps of the mouse X chromosome., C M. Disteche, G K. McConnell, S G. Grant, D A. Stephenson, V M. Chapman, S Gandy, and D A. Adler

Immunophenotyping in a multicenter study: the Transfusion Safety Study experience., Mary A. Fletcher, S P. Azen, B Adelsberg, G Gjerset, J Hassett, J Kaplan, J C. Niland, T Odom-Maryon, J W. Parker, and D P. Stites

Gene Inactivation as a Mechanism for the Expression of Recessive Phenotypes., S G Grant, C E Campbell, C Duff, S L Toth, and R G Worton

Gene inactivation as a mechanism for the expression of recessive phenotypes., S G. Grant, C E Campbell, C Duff, S L. Toth, and R G. Worton

Activation of the hprt gene on the inactive X chromosome in transformed diploid female Chinese hamster cells., S G. Grant and R G. Worton

Differential activation of the hprt gene on the inactive X chromosome in primary and transformed Chinese hamster cells., S G. Grant and R G. Worton

A study of B and T cells in pulpal pathosis, C. Hahn, W. A. Falkler, and Michael Alan Siegel

Oxytocin, vasopressin, and prolactin responses associated with nipple stimulation., C G. Hatjis, Mariana Morris, J C. Rose, A D. Kofinas, M Penry, and M Swain

Seroepidemiologic studies of cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infections in relation to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in selected recipient populations. Transfusion Safety Study Group., D J. Lang, A A. Kovacs, J A. Zaia, G Doelkin, J C. Niland, L Aledort, S P. Azen, Mary A. Fletcher, J Gauderman, and G J. Gjerset

Baroreceptor influences on oxytocin and vasopressin secretion., Mariana Morris and N Alexander

The demands of the summer season, Linda C. Niessen

Manpower needs for periodontal care of VA nursing home residents, Linda C. Niessen, R. Adelson, J. Jones, R. Weyant, M. Hobbins, and R. Rhyne

Periodontal treatment needs of VA Nursing Home Care Unit S, Linda C. Niessen, J. Jones, R. Weyant, J. Doherty, P. Marcus, M. Saunders, R. Adelson, and R. Rhyne

The VA oral health survey of nursing home residents, Linda C. Niessen, R. Rhyne, R. Weyant, R. Adelson, J. Jones, M. Hobbins, and J. Thomas

Caries prevalence in institutionalized veterans, Linda C. Niessen, P. Swango, L. Swisher, J. Brunelle, and P. Levinson

Oral health status of VA nursing home residents, Linda C. Niessen, R. Weyamt, J. Jones, M. Hobbins, J. Thomas, R. Adelson, R. Rhyne, and P. Hujoel

Causes of tooth loss in a veteran population, Linda C. Niessen and R. J. Weyant

A Dynamic Duo: LCD Overhead Displays and Laptops as Instructional Aids in Introductory Psychology, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD

Producing Ideas and Producing Text With a Word Processor, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD

Effects of Concreteness and Task Context on Recall of Prose Among Bilingual and Monolingual Speakers, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD and Ira Fischler

A Flexible and Interactive Software Package for a Laboratory in Cognition and Perception, Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD and Michael C. Levy

Bilateral mandibular dental anomaly, Michael Alan Siegel

Oropharyngeal disorder resulting in dysphagia, Michael Alan Siegel

Radiographic anatomic variant of the mandible, Michael Alan Siegel

cis-acting determinants of basal and lipid-regulated apolipoprotein A-IV expression in mice., S C. Williams, S G. Grant, K Reue, B Carrasquillo, A J. Lusis, and A J. Kinniburgh

Enhancing Migrant Health Care Services through the Southeastern Florida AHEC Program., Steven B. Zucker and S. Kuyper

Submissions from 1988

Effects of chronic sinoaortic denervation on central vasopressin and catecholamine systems., N Alexander and Mariana Morris


Phorbol ester modulates interleukin 6- and interleukin 1-regulated expression of acute phase plasma proteins in hepatoma cells, H Baumann, H Isseroff, Jean Johanna Latimer, and G P. Jahreis

Electromyographic and Skin Resistance Responses Following OMT Patients with Low Back Pain, David R. Boesler D.O., S M. Ellestad, R V. Nagle, and M A. Kilmore

X-chromosome Linked Mutations Affecting Mosaic Expression of the Mouse X Chromosome, Verne M. Chapman, Stephen G. Grant, Rebecca A. Benz, Darla R. Miller, and Dennis A. Stephenson

Surgical versus needle cricothyroidotomy in the canine model, Lynn Estes, F Magee, Richard Bodenstedt, Guy Martin Nehrenz, Kendra Tjelmeland, and S Sadowniczik

Golden: a novel coat color mutant in the wild mouse Mus caroli., S G. Grant, D A. Swiatek, R A. Benz, and D A. Stephenson

Mechanisms of X-chromosome Regulation, Stephen G. Grant and Verne M. Chapman

Effect of central hypertonic stimulation on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide and oxytocin in conscious rats., T Hattori, G M. So, Mariana Morris, P M. Hutchins, and D K. Sundberg


Allopurinol enhanced adenine nucleotide repletion after myocardial ischemia in the isolated rat heart, R D Lasley, Stephen W. Ely, R M Berne, and R M Mentzer

Segregation of lymphocyte low-molecular-weight DNA and antinuclear-antibodies in a family with systemic lupus erythematosus in first cousins., H Levcovitz, Mary A. Fletcher, P Phillips, H A. Chertok, R Altman, and P J. Benke

Effects of psychophysical stress on surgical outcome, B. S. Linn, M. W. Linn, and Nancy G. Klimas

Effects of age and nutritional status on surgical outcomes in head and neck cancer, B. S. Linn, D. S. Robinson, and Nancy G. Klimas


Myocardial reactive hyperemia in the newborn., R D Mainwaring, Stephen W. Ely, and R M Mentzer


The acute effects of AICAR on purine nucleotide metabolism and postischemic cardiac function., R M Mentzer, Stephen W. Ely, R D Lasley, and R M Berne

Baroreceptor influences on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP): sinoaortic denervation reduces basal levels and the response to an osmotic challenge., Mariana Morris and N Alexander

Multilocus molecular mapping of the mouse X chromosome., L J. Mullins, S G. Grant, D A. Stephenson, and V M. Chapman

High-Spin States of (lf7/2) -2 Character in 56,58,60,62 Co. Physical Review C, H Nann, W. W. Jacobs, Gary D. Cravens, A. D., W. P. Jones, E. J., and R.B. M. Mooy

Prevention for All, Linda C. Niessen

Recent advances in geriatric dentistry: Implications for clinical practice, Linda C. Niessen

Patient satisfaction with current dental condition related to self concept and dental status, Linda C. Niessen, S. Gordon, and G. Fryer

Alzheimer's disease: A guide for dental professionals, Linda C. Niessen and J. A. Jones

Report on the Surgeon General's Workshop on Health Promotion and Aging, Linda C. Niessen and F. Martin

Practice patterns of men and women dentists, Linda C. Niessen, A. A. Wilson, and L. G. Branch

Confirmatory factor analyses of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition, Raymond L. Ownby and Cheryl N. Carmin


Tissue- and species-specific regulation of murine alpha 1-antitrypsin gene transcription, C Rheaume, Jean Johanna Latimer, H Baumann, and F G. Berger

Amino Acid Removal During Continuous Arteriovenous Hemodialysis in Patients with Acute Renal Failure Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition, Miles H. Sigler, Samuel K. Snyder, and Brendan P. Teehan

Identification of an X-linked Member of the Odc Gene Family in the Mouse, Dennis A. Stephenson, Rosemary W. Elliott, Verne M. Chapman, and Stephen G. Grant

X-chromosome Gene Order in Different Mus Species Crosses, Dennis A. Stephenson, Stephen G. Grant, Linda J. Mullins, Amy E. Scolese, Amanda J. O'Reilly, and Verne M. Chapman


Response of lamb ductus arteriosus to nitroglycerin and nitroprusside., R S Walsh, Stephen W. Ely, and R M Mentzer

Augmentative and alternative communication, Carole Zangari, K. Kangas, and L. Lloyd

Submissions from 1987

Suppressed serum prolactin in sinoaortic-denervated rats., N Alexander, S Melmed, and Mariana Morris

The nine stresses of flight., L Browne, R Bodenstedt, P Campbell, and Guy Martin Nehrenz

Plasma inhibitors of Na,K-ATPase: relation to salt balance and hypertension., V M. Buckalew, Jr; Mariana Morris; W G. Campbell; and A L. Rauch

Atrial natriuretic factor., V M. Buckalew, Mariana Morris, and R W. Hamilton

Regional localization of the murine Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene on the mouse X chromosome, J S. Chamberlain, S G. Grant, A A. Reeves, L J. Mullins, D A. Stephenson, E P Hoffman, A P. Monaco, L M. Kunkel, C T. Caskey, and V M. Chapman

Serological evidence for HIV infection in Cuban immigrants in 1980., M de Medina, Mary A. Fletcher, M D. Valledor, M Ashman, A M. Gordon, and E R. Schiff

Reaction of pulpal immunoglobulins to oral microorganisms by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, W. A. Falkler, S. A. Martin, M. Tolba, and Michael Alan Siegel

Evaluation of heterosexual partners, children, and household contacts of adults with AIDS, M. A. Fischl, G. M. Dickinson, G. B. Scott, Nancy G. Klimas, Mary A. Fletcher, and W. Parks

Medical students' exposure to formaldehyde in gross anatomy laboratories., Jay M. Fleisher

Use of whole blood methods in assessment of immune parameters in immunodeficiency states, Mary A. Fletcher, G. C. Baron, Nancy G. Klimas, M. R. Ashman, and M. A. Fischl


Investigations of factors influencing the prognosis of colon cancer., Bernard Gardner, Joseph Feldman, Yemelyan Spivak, Thomas Panetta, J Fleischer, Efthimios Kasamblides, and Elizabeth Higgins

Misconceptions Tests or Misconceived Tests?, Richard A. Griggs and Sarah Ellen Ransdell PhD


Developmental expression, cellular localization, and testosterone regulation of alpha 1-antitrypsin in Mus caroli kidney, Jean Johanna Latimer, F G. Berger, and H Baumann

Oral health and the patient with dementia, Linda C. Niessen and J. Jones

Professional dental care for patients with dementia, Linda C. Niessen and J. A. Jones

A critical analysis of epidemiologic studies on oral mucosal lesions, Linda C. Niessen, D. V. Kleinman, and P. A. Swango

Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease Papers, Linda C. Niessen, M. J. Somerman, and N. Schiff

Variations in types and quantities of dental treatment as a function of medical status in a nursing home population, Linda C. Niessen, R. J. Weyant, and R. Adelson

Aging in America: Implications for Dentistry, Linda C. Niessen and G. C. Williams