Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.
Liderazgo Historico-Intitucional de Puerto Rico a Nivel Global en el Tratamiento, la Investigacion y la Politica Publica del VIH en Mujeres Embarazadas. [Institutional and Historical Role of Puerto Rico at the Global Level in the Treatment and Public Policy of HIV Positive Pregnant Women]
Conference Title
V Puerto Rican Public Health Conference
San Juan, PR
Date of original Performance / Presentation
Medicine and Health Sciences | Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
NSUWorks Citation
Rabionet, Silvia E.; Zorrilla, Carmen; and Gonzalez, I., "Liderazgo Historico-Intitucional de Puerto Rico a Nivel Global en el Tratamiento, la Investigacion y la Politica Publica del VIH en Mujeres Embarazadas. [Institutional and Historical Role of Puerto Rico at the Global Level in the Treatment and Public Policy of HIV Positive Pregnant Women]" (2019). Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.. 229.