Student Theses, Dissertations and Capstones

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.) in Dentistry


College of Dental Medicine

First Advisor

Singer, Richard

Publication Date / Copyright Date



Nova Southeastern University. College of Dental Medicine.


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of physical and mechanical disinfection of P. gingivalis from implant disks and to evaluate bone cells growth and attachment to the disks. Background. Each year, over three million of Americans replacing missing teeth with dental implants. An inflammatory process around an implant that causes bone loss, characterizes peri-implantitis, first diagnosed in the 1980s. The prevalence is approximately 22%. To date, no treatment protocol of peri-implantitis has been proposed. Methods. 207 implants disks. Four different implant surfaces utilized. Disks were contaminated by p. gingivalis and consequentially disinfected by physical means (spraying prophy jet, titanium brush, and ultrasonic activation) and chemically by Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, 0.12% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, and Sodium Bicarbonate. Osteoblasts were added to the disks. Growth factors (Emdogain and Gem21S) were used in two groups. Osteoblast vitality, attachment and morphology were evaluated. Results. On 3iT3 the all disinfection methods had similar results. On Osseotite and Nanotite surfaces, the citric acid combined with ultrasonic activation granted the worse results. Hence, disks that did not have the surface altered by physical decontamination had most cells attached. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% showed to be the most biocompatible and 0.12% Chlorhexidine gluconate showed most cellular toxicity. Implant coating did not influence osteoblast attachment. Growth factors did not promote osteoblast attachment. Conclusion: Further investigations are necessary.




Biological sciences, Applied sciences, Health and environmental sciences, Dental implants, Growth factors, Osteoblasts, Scanning electron microscope



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