"An Exploration of Cross-Cultural and Gender Differences in East Asia, " by Ranjan George, Edward Francis Murphy et al.

HCBE Faculty Presentations

Event Location / Date(s)

Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting/Oklahoma City, OK

Event Name / Location

Southwest Academy of Management Proceedings Annual Meeting

Presentation Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Regina A. Greenwood0000-0002-5577-499X


We explored cross-cultural, gender-based similarities and differences in values and attitudes towards women in East Asia (Hong Kong), South Asian (India and Sri Lanka) and Southeast Asia (Singapore). Results indicated that women possess higher social (collectivistic) value orientations; males possess higher personal (individualistic) value orientations. Respondents in Hong Kong and Singapore possessed higher personal value orientations; those from India and Sri Lanka possessed higher social value orientations. Females were more egalitarian than men in their attitudes towards women. Respondents in India and Singapore possessed less equalitarian attitudes towards women as compared to respondents in Hong Kong and Sri Lanka.

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