HCBE Faculty Articles

Human Development Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan: Defying Income Inequality and Poverty


Bahaudin Mujtaba0000-0003-1615-3100

Document Type


Publication Title

Journal of Business Studies Quarterly



Publication Date



Economic efforts should always be targeted toward providing a dignified living to the citizens of a country so they can live happily and participate in the national development of their nation. It is not only the rising growth figures that benefit a country but the trickling down effect of national growth and development on country population may matter even more toward the creation of equality for all citizens and the eradication of poverty. Pakistan’s income distribution presents an unequal picture where it gives birth to class disparity, poverty, poor human development and so on. In a way it devours overall growth and development of the nation. Poverty is a serious threat for Pakistan because it manifests itself in a complex web whose threads are interwoven with the issues of illiteracy, income distribution disparities, lack of access to facilities, defective polices, etc. Public leaders in Pakistan need a multidimensional solution to address not only absolute poverty but all issues responsible for triggering poverty. The most viable solution to attack poverty and its evils is human development, as humans are the true assets of any nation and all development efforts are truly reflected in the state of their wellbeing. Hence this paper analyzes income distribution trends of Pakistan, examines its effects particularly in terms of poverty, and proposes a remedy focused on human development. Suggestions for policy implementation of human development are provided for educators, business leaders, and government officials.





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