"Digital diversity and inclusion: Agenda for data privacy and protectio" by Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Pelin Vardarlıer et al.

HCBE Faculty Articles

Digital diversity and inclusion: Agenda for data privacy and protection


Bahaudin Mujtaba0000-0003-1615-3100

Document Type


Publication Title

Contributions to Management Science



Publication Date



We are in interesting times in the twenty-first century’s world of service and support, where digital transformation (and artificial intelligence, in particular) is rising, while the focus is being placed on transformation in human resource development. While we are more focused than ever before on advanced tools and technology, we also must focus on advancing human knowledge on digital literacy and workplace practices in an inclusionary manner in this multicultural and borderless world of commerce. Since much of the world transitioned to teleworking during the pandemic closures, we now know that digital diversity is a growing reality that requires additional awareness, reflection, and training for everyone to use it in an equitable and inclusionary manner while complying with privacy and security laws regarding the personally identifiable information of employees and consumers. In this chapter, the focus is on human resources in the areas of digital diversity, data privacy, and inclusion practices since our interactions are transforming along with our mindsets but not necessarily in parallel lines. We offer a reflection on digital diversity, inequity of access to online content, inclusion, data protection, and best practices to create an inclusive digital work environment for all the company’s human resources.



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