Seeing is Hearing: The Power of Music in Media

Event Name/Location

Florida State Music Teachers Virtual Conference / Pensacola, FL

Presentation Date


Document Type

Conference Presentation

Streaming Media


Every day the majority of society is exposed to some sort of media, and usually that media is accompanied by music. Music is such a powerful element for content creation. It can take a good story, and with one motif make it great. Memorable to the point that it can bring someone to tears or humming the main theme of a score for days. This presentation will cover elements on how music is created for media and will provide creative lessons that music educators can use to teach students about music appreciation through media, as well as expose students to evolving music career opportunities in media.


Jessica Muniz-Collado is an award-winning composer, music producer, and music educator who's worked for numerous production companies and music libraries including MundoFOX, PBS, IMAX, and Universal Production Musc. Additionally, Jessica composes for theater and dance mediums, and is a published and commissioned composer with both national and international performances of her work. Prior to becoming an Assistant Professor of Music at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Jessica was a South Florida music educator for Title I schools. She is also the founder of NIZCO MUSIC - a music career coaching service that helps musicians compose their careers to their own B.E.A.T. To learn more about Jessica and NIZCO MUSIC, please visit

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