"Towards a model of factors affecting resistance to using multi-method " by Joseph W. Marnell and Yair Levy

CCE Faculty Articles

Towards a model of factors affecting resistance to using multi-method authentication systems in higher-education environments

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Information Security Education Journal

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Over the course of history, different means of object as well as person identification and verification have evolved for user authentication. In recent years, a new concern has emerged regarding the accuracy of authentication and of protection of personal identifying information (PII), because previous information systems (IS) misuses have resulted in significant financial loss. Such losses have escalated more noticeably because of identity-theft incidents due to breaches of PII within multiple public-access environments, such asinstitutions of higher-education. Although the use of various biometric and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies is expanding, resistance to using these technologies remains an issue. As such, in this research-in-progress paper, we outline a predictive study to assess the contribution of campus students’ perceptions of the importance of protecting their PII, noted as Perceived Value of Organizational Protection of PII (PVOP), authentication complexity (AC), and invasion of privacy (IOP) on their resistance to using multi-method authentication systems (RMS) in higher-education environments. In this work-in-progress study, we seek to better understand the theoretical foundations for the effect of students’ perceptions on their resistance to using multi-method authentication systems (RMS) in higher-education environments and uncover key constructs that may significantly contribute to such resistance. A quasiexperiment is proposed including clearly identified procedures and data analyses.





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