"A Study of Organizational Climate in Pennsylvania's State System of Hi" by Madelyn F. Valunas

CCE Theses and Dissertations

A Study of Organizational Climate in Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education Libraries

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Arts (DA)


Center for Computer-Based Learning


John A. Scigliano

Committee Member

Gerald E. Sroure

Committee Member

John A Scigliano


The Work Group Survey (Bare, 1976) was adapted to investigate organizational climate in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (SSHE) libraries. The goal was to determine whether or not the APSCUF (Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties) collective bargaining agreement was perceived by the work groups as a cause of dysfunction. The Work Group Survey measured member characteristics, task dimensions, group structure and process, group effectiveness, and leadership. Seven items relating to the faculty union contract (CBA) were added to diagnose the effect of collective bargaining.

Authorization to survey each work group was sought from the university administrator to whom the library director reported. Questionnaires, introductory letters, instructions, and stamped, self-addressed, return envelopes were then mailed to non-temporary librarians and library directors. Thirteen of the fourteen administrators gave authorization to send questionnaires. Of the one hundred forty-four questionnaires mailed, ninety-two (63.9%) or 58. 6 percent of the total population (N=157) were returned from twelve campuses. Ten of the twelve groups had greater than a 66 percent response rate and six (54.5%) of the eleven directors who were surveyed participated.

Responses from ten groups were analyzed using SPSSx. Analysis to test Scheffe's, were used of variance at .05 level of significance was used the hypothesis of no difference between groups. Tukey's HSD, and LSD multiple comparison tests in follow-up analysis when the F ratio was significant. Homogeneity with Bartlett's Box F. of group variances was tested.

No significant difference exists between groups on the CBA, polarization, autonomy, and initiation of structure criteria. Significant difference does exist for other criteria: task, group, leader, member, effectiveness, stratification, communication, team building, and boundary spanning. On the whole, the results are in accord with the hypothesis that the faculty contract is not a major cause of conflict within the work groups. Collective bargaining issues are symptoms of undeveloped or unrefined skills in communication, interpersonal or human relations, resolution, and leadership. Recommendations conflictto the Chancellor, the authorizing administrators, and to the work groups are: (1) to support and encourage growth and development in these areas, (2) for the director to be more aware of how others perceive his or her behavior, (3) for the group to consider themselves as a team and develop a shared view of their goals, and (4) that no change be made to the faculty contract without examining the survey results. The study supports earlier research conclusions that the Work Group Survey is a useful diagnostic tool.

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