"A Study of the Relationships Between End-User Information Systems Prob" by Richard Dale Parrott

CCE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences


John A. Scigliano

Committee Member

Laurie Dringus

Committee Member

Sumitra Mukherjee


In the last fifteen years, information technology (IT) customer support has increased in importance within higher education. The pervasiveness of computers and technology on the campus has allowed students, staff, and faculty to perform a multitude of tasks by controlling their own environments and setting their own priorities. Qualified professional system and user support services have lagged demand. The problem investigated in this study was end-users' satisfaction levels of the higher education helpdesk and how end-users' satisfaction levels affected a helpdesk manager's critical success factors performance and goals. In this study, the first goal was to identify the critical success factors (CSF) for the higher education academic helpdesk manager. The second goal was to assess the relationships of CSFs to problems associated with end-user satisfaction levels within a higher education environment. The population of interest included all accredited higher education institutions (as of the publishing date of the 2003 Higher Education Directory). The researcher used a random sample of 1,765 from the list of 4,282 profiles in the 2003 Higher Education Directory (http://www.hepinc.com). The survey instrument was an online questionnaire implemented as an HTML form. Eight research questions and eight hypotheses were developed. Specifically, the researcher conducted the following statistical analyses: (a) descriptive statistics for the variables of interest, (b) a Chi-square test between the respondents and non-respondents to check for non-response bias, (c) a factor analysis to identify CSF constructs and helpdesk problems, (d) multiple regression to determine the relationship between CSFs and helpdesk problems using the helpdesk problem constructs identified from the factor analysis as dependent variables and the helpdesk CSFs as independent variables (e) MANOVA to determine the relationship between CSFs and the stage of growth of the helpdesk, and (f) seven ratios to serve as CSF performance indicators.

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