"A Feasibility Study of An Online System For the Ontario Police Commiss" by Mark Merryweather

CCE Theses and Dissertations

A Feasibility Study of An Online System For the Ontario Police Commission Library

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Arts (DA)


Center for Computer-Based Learning


John A. Scigliano

Committee Member

Marlyn Kemper Littman

Committee Member

Mientje Levin

Committee Member

Thomas MacFarland


In this study an investigation was conducted that examined the feasibility of establishing the Ontario Police Commission Library catalogue online through a police network that was being newly developed and tested called OMPPAC. The author first reviewed the history behind the Ontario Municipal and Provincial Police Automation Co-operative (OMPPAC) and its connection with 'the Ontario Police Commission (OPC). The investigator made it clear that, although activities in police forces were becoming increasingly more automated, officers did not have online access to any police library either on a provincial or federal level.

The researcher suggested that the OPC Library (designed to serve all the municipal forces across the province) be made available to the police through OMPPAC. The researcher then provided a comprehensive literature review that examined articles and books written on police libraries, feasibility studies, online catalogues and good survey design. The final stage, the feasibility study, followed the literature review.

For this study, the author informally collected the information that was needed in order to discover how familiar the police were with automation, and what they would have liked to have seen available online. The researcher next addressed the nature of the online database from the perspective of both the potential user and the librarian. A project plan for implementation and a requirements document followed.

The researcher then assessed the tangible benefits (e. g. a reduction in the amount of photocopying) and the intangible benefits (e. g. improvements in service to the municipal forces, OPC leadership and a catalogue made available Ministry-wide). The author concluded that, although costs were minimal and that the expertise was certainly available within the Ministry of the Solicitor General, the project would remain on abeyance until the Ontario Police Commission received funding and agreed to proceed with it.

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