"Implementation of an Individual Professional Development System Using " by Edward R. Lovitt

CCE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences


Timothy Ellis

Committee Member

Maxine S. Cohen

Committee Member

William L. Hafner


Higher education is looking for ways to encourage new careers in education and retain current faculty working in the field. A successful working relationship between supervisors and faculty is crucial to continued attractiveness of a career in education. These shared relationships exist in "learning organization" models, which are used in professional development offerings that stress the importance of learning by individuals, as a way to benefit the entire institution.

This developmental study focused on building partnerships with supervisors and faculty. These partnerships require contracts or individual development plans that can be reviewed for progress and modified for future needs. The goal for this study was to develop a model for a Web-accessible database system that can foster a learning organization by facilitating the development and use of individual development plans.

This Web-accessible system of storing shared contracts in an electronic database allows both supervisor and faculty member to review and update-required action plans. These action plans are combined with developmental resources electronically in one location to avoid duplication of data. Locating action plans and resources together provides faculty and supervisors with the ability to review employment responsibilities and move forward with individual development plans for future training and advancement.

The development of this system was accomplished using a Delphi process of criteria development using members of the Kansas City Professional Development Council and validated by the Council of Assistant Deans and Directors who supervise "faculty at Johnson County Community College. A formal review committee comprised of representatives from staff development, human resources, information services, supervisors, and faculty assisted in the development and revision of the professional development system. A sample group of full and part-time faculty from Johnson County Community College was used to pilot test the usability and functionality of the system.

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