"Measuring the Effect of E-Learning on Job Performance" by Heidi Kramer

CCE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Information Systems (DCIS)


Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences


Getrude W. Abramson

Committee Member

Helen St. Aubin

Committee Member

Ling Wang


E-learning is becoming a leading delivery method in workplace-learning settings across organizations of various sectors and of varying sizes. The ultimate goal is to drive business results. Managers need to provide evidence of a positive impact on corporate strategy and investment objectives. If the business goal cannot be identified, there should be a query on why it is there in the first place. Transfer of the knowledge learned in the training session to the work situation is not built into most skills training delivery, especially those provided through e-learning. The outcomes and the effects of training on job performance are not measured because no method currently exists for credible evaluation. This problem exists across the Information Technology (IT) industry. Constant IT innovation makes technical competencies a fundamental requirement and continuous IT skills training a necessity. The trainee may have acquired the appropriate new skill, but the work environment to which the employee returns may make practicing what was learned counterproductive. The goal of the dissertation was to produce a valid and reliable instrument to measure the alignment of IT e-learning with corporate and departmental strategies. The instrument will be valuable to industries with IT departments.

The methodology for this study followed the Kirkpatrick Model, specifically Level 3, an evaluation that measures behavioral change on the job. The evaluation included specific application of the special knowledge or skills learned in the training. IT employees were surveyed after the completion of an online training class. The results indicated the frequency and effectiveness of the on-the-job application. In addition, open-ended questions provided feedback on the survey instrument and the training. Utilized by corporations, the balanced scorecard approach was followed to track the argument of online training with organizational goals. This approach includes a method to develop a measure such as strategy maps that depict overall organization strategic themes to improve the link between training and corporate strategy.

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