"Resource Sharing: A Study of Florida's Shared-Used Library Collections" by Susan Anderson

CCE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Arts (DA)


Center for Computer-Based Learning


Marlyn Kemper Littman

Committee Member

John A. Scigliano

Committee Member

Mientje Levin

Committee Member

Thomas MacFarland


Designed to provide library service for two or more different groups of library users in one library facility, shared-use or joint-use libraries are a unique aspect of library resources sharing. Thirteen examples of shared-use library collections in shared or joint-use library facilities in Florida were examined in this investigation. Special focus was placed on the perceptions of librarians who work in these libraries in order to determine how well the libraries meet the information needs on users and how successful the libraries are in conserving financial resources as a result of combined collections. A design of a special resource collections for one of the institutions participating in a shared-use library was formulated to demonstrate the planning process for collections sharing. Guidelines and contractual agreements relative to collection development that exist between the various shared-use libraries in Florida were evaluated and used to develop a model for agreements and a mission statement for shared-use libraries. Four types of shared-use library facilities in Florida were included in the study: community college/school libraries, community college/public libraries, community college/university libraries and school/public libraries.

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