

ESRP 9000 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project was designed to provide insight into addressing what may possibly be the reasoning behind the lack of communication within the leadership board at the religious organization and what solutions are possible and conducive to this setting. The purpose of this research project is to explore communication factors that are needed for the betterment of the leadership board at the religious organization.

In the first part of this research, a critical analysis is conducted, identifying the role of the researcher, description of the setting, which includes the background and history of the religious organization, the mission, vision, and value statements. Also inclusive of part 1 is the reputation and sustainability of the organization, the relevant terms, and the complete process of the strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats analysis.

Additionally, part 2 defines the problem in the religious organization, which is inclusive of the synthesizing of the literature, utilization of the research methods, models, frameworks, or theories involved. The statement of the problem is formulated, describing the context, scope and significance, and rationale for investigating the problem, which results in a well-defined problem statement.

In continuum, part 3 explores the possible solutions for the problems stated in part 2. Of those possible solutions stated, four possible solutions are selected as a possible fix for lack of effective communication in the religious organization. In part 4, the solution is selected and the rationale that supports the solution is expounded upon.

Consequently, part 5 proposes the strategies to accomplish the solution that was selected in part 4. In addition, part 6 evaluates the strategies by use of the quantitative strategic plan matrix, utilizing the first and second alternative attractiveness scores. The development of an Action Plan, which includes the components of a timeline, evaluation, and reflection is formulated in part 7. Part 8 provides a visual and oral presentation of the strategic research project.

In concluding, part 9 reveals the purpose of this research project as being the prospective tool that will assist the Senior Pastor and the leadership board of the religious organization solve their problem of the lack of communication, in becoming better communicators to each other. The solution to their problem lies within the LMX theory which will address the communicative disconnect between leadership in the religious organization. It is reasonable to conclude as a recommendation for the religious organization, for the Senior Pastor and the leadership board to continue to engage in leadership seminars and workshops orchestrated by a leadership professional.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


