
Winter 2021

ESRP 9000 Professor

Melissa T. Sasso, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Mary Clisbee, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research aimed to provide workable solutions to address concerns in organizations or school systems during the pandemic through strategic planning. After conducting a Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis, a lack of teacher appreciation was a prominent issue in school systems during the pandemic. Educators are challenged inside and outside the classroom, altering their emotions, especially during the pandemic. Educator emotions impact the learning environment. The abrupt changes create heavy workloads, burnout, stress, and an exit or turning point for educators to leave the educational field.

There are four possible solutions: increasing technical knowledge and training for all staff, increasing leadership and administrative support for teachers, giving teachers a voice, and increasing well-being in the workplace would assist in eliminating the emotions of lack of teacher appreciation in the organization or school district. The solutions are workable if enforced and implemented, starting with the top leaders of the organization. An organization that considers educators vital in school operation flow and welcomes and utilizes their input alongside policymakers, stakeholders, and other leaders creates a thriving educational system. The one solution selected was giving teachers a voice, which does not require cost-just consistent and enforced support, starting with the top leaders.

The selected strategies for the solution were to Increase and diversify input in organizational planning and the decision-making process strategy and the Teachers lead various development teams strategy. The Quantitative Strategic Plan Matrix determined that Increase and diversify input in organizational planning and the decision-making process was the most effective strategy for implementing the selected solution. The time-sensitive Action Plan suggests the steps to implement the selected solution. The action plan summary provided an overview of the steps, phases, and timeline to evaluate the progress. Recommendations were to initiate the action plan at the beginning of the school year with flexible due dates. In conclusion, Increasing and diversifying input in organizational planning and the decision-making process would be the most impactful and cost-efficient strategy to implementing the solution giving teachers a voice. The solution can cut costs by eliminating negative emotions and retaining teachers long-term, which will improve student learning while improving teacher performance in the organization.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


