
Winter 2023

ESRP 9000 Professor

David B. Ross, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

David B. Ross, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project aims to provide a strategy for enhancing understanding and awareness of the impact of organizational culture in the Broward County Public Schools District. A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis was performed, and the results were used to assess both internal and external factors. The goal of this analysis was to identify potential problem areas that the organization should address in order to enhance its overall effectiveness. This would then lead to an action plan to rectify the problem discovered.

The identified problem in the Broward County Public School District was that the district undervalues the significance of the schools' climate and culture to the accomplishments of the organization. The rethinking of organizational structure, the cultivation of school culture, the exercise of leadership that is culturally intelligent, and the enhancement of parental engagement were important factors that contributed to the focus placed on culture. An in-depth investigation was conducted into each of these elements to identify one potential solution that might be utilized in an effort to successfully move the district in the direction of a stronger organizational culture. The solution that was discovered was to actively shape school culture to make the most of the contribution it makes to the efficiency of the district as a whole.

The outcomes of a quantitative strategic plan matrix analysis of the SWOT data were utilized so that comparisons could be made between various implementation strategies. A concluding suggestion was given to establish a culture that is focused on the stakeholders involved by using the attractiveness rankings of each method. The strategy included several different components, such as conducting a culture audit, evaluating the purpose, vision, and values of the district, aligning district procedures and leader development to a people-oriented culture, and tracking cultural change throughout the district. As a result, this process would go on even as the culture changed.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


