
Winter 2023

ESRP 9000 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

The outcome of the strategic research project led to implementation of a reading intervention program that establishes professional development opportunities for users of the program to gain knowledge and instructional practices to increase student achievement. As a part of this study, according to the state-wide assessment data for Palm Beach County, third graders are struggling in the area of reading while high schoolers are experiencing high levels of inconsistencies in efforts to meet graduation requirements. This academic gap has been a problem within the Palm Beach County School District for the past couple of years. In the evaluation of the internal and external factors through conducting a SWOT analysis, it was discovered that Palm Beach County School District maintains extraordinary strengths in the areas of (a) mission, (b) vision, (c) leadership and (d) reputation. However, within the SWOT analysis, there were areas of adversity identified such as (a) proficiency in reading, (b) employment retention, (c) professional development for teachers, and (d) technology enhancement. Based on the internal and external factors noted in the strategic research project, it was determined that the most critical concern was to address the proficiency reading rate in Palm Beach County. Through thorough extensive research, there were four solutions pinpointed in this study, (a) balanced literacy framework, (b) reading intervention program, (c) research-based instructional strategies, and (d) stimulating children’s interest. In evaluating the solutions, this researcher selected the implementation of a reading intervention program to address the reading proficiency rate in Palm Beach County. The facilitation of professional development workshop and literacy leadership team support were two specific strategies selected as it related to the solutions. Through the performance of the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, the strategy of professional development workshops was selected with a high total attractiveness score of 5.30 rated for its appeal or attractiveness against the internal and external factors. The development of an action plan was produced to outline the necessary steps required to effectively implement the strategy of the facilitation of professional development workshops. The steps in the action plan included the following: (a) determine the audience, (b) set the goal for the professional development, (c) identify the tasks, (d) create district protocols, and (e) selection of resources.

The goal is to implement this action plan from 2023 to 2024 with anticipation that this reading intervention program is a tremendous resource for the students of Palm Beach County School District. With the implementation of this reading program, professional development will provide the support needed to ensure users are prepared to work with the program. Additionally, it is recommended that a progress monitoring tool be used to assess students’ academic performance and determine how the students are responding to the new program as well of the fidelity of the new implementation.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


