Faculty Articles

Literacy Quadrants and Teacher Narratives: Pedagogical Tools to Foster Reflection and Improve Dialogue About Diverse Democracies

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 2017 AERA annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date



The researchers of this hermeneutic phenomenological study applied Colaizzi’s (1978) method to analyze and interpret English Language Arts (ELA) teacher candidates’ (TC) learning experiences with literacy quadrants and narratives while attending secondary writing instruction methods courses in diverse institutional settings. Qualitative strategies of data collection included inquiry driven activities such as drawing and written reflections to literacy quadrants, as well as oral responses to open-ended questions. TCs, moving from knowledge to action, were reflexive about their literacy and learning experiences and the application of knowledge and practices when preparing to teach English to all students. Analysis of TCs’ narratives showed reliance on prior assumptions about teaching writing, increased reflexive stance toward literacy practices, and improved awareness of their professional identities.


