"Blended Learning Transitioning to Virtual Learning: Middle School Teac" by Jennifer Louise Henry

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Karen Kimball

Committee Member

Lucille Beisner


Blended Learning, middle school, Pandemic


This study addressed specific factors that influenced the success of blending learning as it transitioned to virtual learning from the perspectives of middle school teachers. The purpose of the qualitative case study was to determine the challenges of blended and virtual learning from a teacher’s perspective and the positive outcomes of the integration of blended and virtual learning.

The researcher focused on the transition to virtual teaching during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic of 2020 and how blended learning impacted this transition to virtual teaching. The study included middle school teachers from various disciplines who taught at the middle school level. Participants responded to demographic data collection as well as interview questions on blended and virtual learning.

The audience benefitting from the research included parents and teachers and administrators in a k-12 setting using blended and virtual learning. The study included teachers who were new to the profession as well as seasoned teachers who were transitioning to the newer blended and virtual learning models.
