"Evaluating the Effects of Video Modeling and Visual Supports on Presch" by Karly L. Orsi-Cordova

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Christine Reeve

Committee Member

Susan Kabot


applied behavior analysis, autism, behavior management, pediatric dental, video modeling, visual support


Individuals with autism are reported to visit the dentist infrequently. Infrequent visits to the dentist may result in a higher occurrence of caries, and it is, therefore, imperative for children with autism to visit a pediatric dental practice routinely. Some basic behaviormanagement techniques, such as live modeling and reinforcement strategies, have been used with patients with autism. The addition of techniques derived from applied behavior analysis, such as video modeling and visual supports, may increase patients’ compliance with dental procedures. Specifically, the use of visual supports and video modeling warranted further investigation on the efficacy of improving behavior during dental procedures.
