"Evaluation of Novice Teacher Practical Implementation of Applied Behav" by Toniece Walker

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Khrystyna Bednarchyk

Committee Member

Katrina Pann


applied behavior analysis, behavior skills training, novice teacher, school climate


This applied dissertation was designed to provide a targeted training for novice teachers with the use of Behavior Skills Training model. Novice teachers struggle with behavior management in the classroom setting. While there is a growing need for strategic in-class intervention for students with problem behaviors, there is not a system training for novice and veteran teachers that prepares educators to address the increase of problem behaviors among students.

The researcher developed the targeted training that is grounded in the science of applied behavior analysis and incorporates its principles and strategies. With the use of Behavior Skills Training, the researcher trained teacher participants to apply the newly learned behavior management strategies in the classroom setting. The Behavior Skills Training model included instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback. Relying on Classroom Data Collection Tool, the researcher collected data that accounted for the participants’ use of general praise, error correction, opportunities to respond, and student disruptive behaviors.

Analysis of the collected data revealed mixed results with no clear indication of a hypothesized increase in application of the target skills across participants. Two out of three participants increased their ability to apply the applied behavior analysis strategies to improve the classroom environment and reduce student problem behaviors. Based on the visual analysis of data of all participants across the target behaviors, the participants’ performance was not consistent between the intervention and follow-up phases. Future research studies should address the study limitations and incorporate teaching of functional behavior assessment, direct assessment of principles of applied behavior analysis, and adult learning principles as prerequisite skills.
