"Integrating Educational Technology to Increase Academic Performance of" by Ray Anthony Robinson

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Robert Ostrove

Committee Member

Roz Doctorow


Education, Teacher education, Educational Technology, Mathematics Instruction, Middle School Students, Technology Integration


The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of educational software contributed to increasing the academic performance of 6th-grade students in mathematics. The specific programs used were the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Explorer and Promethean ActivBoard. This summative quantitative study was guided by 3 research questions:

1. What was the effect of technology, specifically the Promethean ActivBoard and the FCAT Explorer, on the achievement in mathematics of 6th-grade students, as measured by district benchmark assessments?

2. What was the difference in mathematics achievement, if any, between male and female 6th-grade students following the use of technology, specifically the Promethean ActivBoard and the FCAT Explorer, as measured by district benchmark assessments?

3. What was the effect of technology, specifically the Promethean ActivBoard and the FCAT Explorer, on the achievement in mathematics of African American 6th-grade students, as measured by district benchmark assessments?

Participants were 6th-grade teachers and students in the experimental and control groups. Participants were 59 students in the experimental group and 61 in the control group. Students who used FCAT Explorer and the Promethean ActivBoard showed better scores on a posttest and larger percentage increase in scores than the control group. Male students in the experimental group showed the greatest increase in scores. African American students who also used FCAT Explorer and the Promethean ActivBoard scored higher than those African American students who did not use any form of technology as a supplement to learning.

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