"Parental Involvement in At-Risk Students’ Academic Affairs Versus the " by Antrell L. Dirden

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Ami McNally

Committee Member

Roberta Schomburg


academic gap, African American students, at-risk students, parent engagement, student athlete, urban education


The researcher designed a qualitative case study to delve further into the lack of consistent parental involvement and academic support in low-performing schools in South Florida with at-risk African American students, most especially when compared to the support in the athletic arena by those same parents. Educators and leaders in the field of education agree that the same effort and energy displayed in support of the athletic aspirations of their child should be equal or even greater in the academic success of the same students. Research questions focused on perceived challenges that prevent consistent parental involvement in academics over athletics, along with strategies and recommendations for working families and potential solutions.

Surveys were also constructed and answered, including interviews, which were documented regarding the perceived struggles and prospective answers for the research questions. The results of this study indicated further studies need to be conducted on parental involvement and support for athletics in low-performing schools in South Florida among at-risk African American students and the lack of parental involvement and support regarding academics in low-performing schools in South Florida among at-risk African American students.

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