"Teacher Perspectives of Fidelity With Universal Design for Learning in" by Sharon Rehenea Hamilton

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Herminia Rivera

Committee Member

Jia Borror


rural elementary school, teacher perspectives, UDL barriers, UDL enablers, UDL implementation, UDL sustainability


The purpose of this qualitative case study is designed to explore teachers’ perspectives on the implementation and sustainability of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the classroom at a local rural Title I elementary school. The rural elementary Title I school classroom presents a unique dynamic in comparison to its surrounding rural elementary school counterparts. The most significant difference is the students residing in poverty and the circumstances associated with poverty. Despite this school’s rural Title I circumstance UDL is used to encourage and stimulate students.

Teachers are the primary source of UDL implementation. It is vital for teachers to express their opinions on the implementation and sustainability of UDL. Allowing teachers to express their opinions provide a sense of how well the strategy might work when implemented. For UDL to be effectively implemented in the classroom and throughout the school, teachers must have the proper supplies, time to prepare extended lesson plans, and any procedural changes needed for the implementation of UDL.

The methodology for this study will involve interviewing nine first grade through third-grade rural elementary school teachers. The NVivo coding software will be used to analyze the interview data collected to assist with determining the results of the study.
