The President’s Research Grant (PRG) was established in 1999 to support faculty research and align with NSU’s Vision 2025. This annual program awards seed money to faculty for new or expanding research projects. PRG aims to enhance NSU’s research reputation and foster external funding opportunities. Proposals are reviewed by faculty panels, and the president selects the top-ranked projects. Each award is co-funded by the university and the applicant’s college.


Submissions from 2011


Finding a Better Substrate for P450 Enzyme, Reza Razeghifard and Dimitrios Giarikos


Effectiveness of Faculty Autism Awareness Training in Higher Education, Christine Reeve, Judith Parker, Heidi Colston, and Carina Massa


Exploring Biofeedback as an Assessment Tool in Sport-Related Concussion, Stephen Russo, Andrew Kusienski, Chris Carbo, and David Ritchie


Coping Styles in a Group of Diverse Families with a young Child with Autism, Nurit Sheinberg, Tommie Boyd, Arlene Brett Gordon, Manny Gonzalez-Abreu, Danielle Norman, Melissa DeVicentes, and Raymonde Dormezil


Mechanisms of Antihypertensive Actions of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE2), Robert Speth, Max Zimmerman, and Benedict Choi


Detection of Mosquito Pathogens in the Everglades Using Metagenomic Technologies, Aurelien Tartar


Electrophysical and Neurophysical Measures of Emotional Regulation in HIV-Infected Women, Jaime Tartar and Carlos Garcia


Student Research in Coral Reef Taxonomy & Genomics: The Moorea Biocode Project, James Thomas

Role of Ovarian Hormones on Development of Depression Using a Rat Model, Annelyn Torres-Reveron


Comprehensive Analysis of Military Offenders (CAMO), Vincent Van Hasselt and Andrea M. Brockman


Human Papilloma Virus And Autoimmune Disease: Is There A Relationship?, Ines Velez, Michael A. Siegel, Lena M. Mejia, Morton Lieberman, Neil Spielholz, and Jordan Kaltman


Age And Events That Interrupt Contact Lens Wear In Youth, Heidi Wagner, Sandi Scott-Holman, and Margi A. Patel


Stain Modulation of Oncolytic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Paula Waziry, Luigi Cubeddu, Ana Castejon, and Karine Cohen


Treatment Patterns for Depression Among Elderly Medicare Population, Xinhua Yu and Raymond Ownby

Submissions from 2010


Development of a Model for Drug Transfer Using Porous Materials Created at NSU, Donald Baird


Identification of bacteria and viruses in the coral Montastraea cavernosa, Patricia L. Blackwelder, Jose V. Lopez, and Joshua Loomis


Mechanism of Shoulder Wiiitis with Wii Tennis - a Biomechanical & EMG Analysis, Ming-Shun Cheng, Cheryl Hill, and Heather McCarthy


Repeat Contralateral OAE Suppression Testing in Tinnitus Treatments, Paul B. Davis


Employability Skills Group for Adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS), Maribel Del Rio-Roberts and Elda Veloso


Promoting Self-Change in Alcohol and Social Anxiety, Christian DeLucia and Craig Marker


Production Of Surfactants By Plankton Agitation In The Wakes Of Surface Ships, Mikhail Gilman and Amy Hirons


Guanxi and Knowledge Transfer in the Chinese Auto Industry, Baiyun Gong and Yunshan Lian


The Impact of a Personal Bar Coach on Pass Rate for First Time Bar Exam Takers, Linda F. Harrison, Colleen M. Grady, and Patricia Propheter


Balance and Ambulation Training without Standing Upright, Madeleine A. Hellman, Stanley H. Wilson, and Ming-Shun Samuel Cheng


Role of Seagrass Beds as Food and Fishery Habitat in Port Everglades, Florida, Amy C. Hirons


Manatees As A "Cultural Sentinel Species" At El Manati, Veracruz, Mexico, Edward Keith and Eileen Smith-Cavros


Internal Parasites of Tropical Pelagic Elasmobranchs and Mesopelagic Teleosts, David Kerstetter and Harold Laubach


Sociodemographic Patterns of Insomnia Drug Prescriptions in the United States, Leanne Lai


Investigation of the Development and Maintenance of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Craig Marker, Shannon Ray, and Michael Caldwell


Maternal Influences on Preadolescent Adjustment: A Cross Cultural Exploration, Madhavi Menon


NSUs Biocompatibility Screening Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, Peter E. Murray, Sergio Kuttler, and Kenneth N. Namerow


Novel Expandable Platforms for Gastric Retention, Hamid Omidian


The features of multimedia instruction that promote meaningful distance learning, Sarah Ransdell, Sandrine Gaillard-Kenney, and Brianna Kent


Novel approach for the Drug Delivery of Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis Treatment, Mutasem Rawas-Qalaji


Bilingualism And Language Functioning In Young Children With Autism, Nurit Sheinberg, Barbara Garcia-Lavin, Rachel Williams, Maribel Del Rio-Roberts, Susan Kabot, and James Pann


Evaluation of a New Animal Model for Gerontology Research, Richard E. Spieler


Immersing NSU undergraduate students in an in-house genome sequencing project, Aurelien Tartar


Content Analysis Of Environmental Sustainability Themes In Florida Standards, Michelle Tenam-Zemach, Hui Fang Huang Angie Su, Charlene Desir, Ron Chenail, and Leanne Lai

Global Evolutionary Diversity of Commensal Marine Amphipod Crustaceans, James Darwin Thomas


Localization Of The Spectrum Of Matrices With Quaternion Entries, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2009


Impacts of Water Level Changes on White-Tailed Deer Movements in Broward County, Barry Barker, Samuel Purkis, Emily Schmitt, Edward Keith, and Mustafa Saleh


Angiotensin III Regulation of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases in Astrocytes, Michelle Clark


Availability and Use of Language Assistance Services in Community Pharmacies, Kevin Clauson, Maria Maniscalco, Hyla Polen, and Daniel Jamass


Effects of Statin Withdrawal on Pro-Atherogenic Chemokines, Luigi Cubeddu, Ana Maria Castejon, Paula Waziry, and Jenet George


A Case Study Of Middle School Haitian Children's Identity Awareness, Charlene Desir, Robert Hill, Anasthasie Liberiste, Johane Metellus, and Silvia Orta


The Effects of Various Breathing Patterns on Heart Rate Variability, Alex Edmonds, Thomas Kennedy, Pablo Calzada, and Colleen Sheehan


Agreement among Measures of Autism Spectrum Disorders in School-age Children, Barbara Garcia-Lavin, Terri Mortensen, Susan Kabot, James Pann, Elda Veloso, Angela Yehl, and Maribel Del Rio


Physiological Outcomes in the Treatment of Trauma-Related Disorders, Steven Gold, Jeffrey Kibler, Harold Laubach, Franklin Garcia-Godoy, and Peter Murray


The Birds of Arrecife Alacran, Edward Keith


Teasing, Self-Concept, and Locus of Control among Overweight Children, Jeffrey Kibler, Mindy Ma, and Kavita Joshi


Stony Coral Recruitment Patterns to Reefs Physically Damaged by Ship Groundings, Jose Lopez and Alison Moulding


Molecular Characterization Of Marine Fungi From Diverse Marine Sources, Jose Lopez and Scott Schatz


The Impact Of Coenzyme Q10 Level On Acute Rejection In Cardiac Transplantation, Bo Kyung Min and William Wolowich


Supplementary Study of Enforcement at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Joel Mintz


Tissue Engineering Research at NSU, Peter Murray, Franklin Garcia-Godoy, Chun-Yuh Huang, and Matthew Gebhardt


Risk Of Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis (BON) Following Dental Extraction, Mitzi Palazzolo, Cesar Migliorati, Michael Siegel, Steven Kaltman, and Helena Hellman


A Multidisciplinary Health Intervention for the Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome, Steven Pfister, Robert Oller, Ronald Bekic, Marilyn Gordon, Bini Litwin, Linda Sobell, Mark Sobell, and Beth Michel Harris


Inaccuracy Of Drug Allergy Reporting: A Billion Dollar Problem!, Mara Poulakos and Simon Leung


Design and Synthesis of Photoactive Peptides Based on Photosynthetic Proteins, Reza Razeghifard, Dimitrios Giarikos, and Jose Lopez


Cue Recognition and Prey Responses to the Non-native African Jewelfish, Jennifer Rehage and Katherine Dunlop


Palaemoid Shrimp Species Along a Salinity Gradient in Everglades National Park, Jennifer Rehage and Lauren McCarthy


Outcomes of an Interdisciplinary Therapy Program for Children with Disabilities, Rebecca Rosenthal, Melissa Tovin, Mary Ann Lowe, David Reitman, Dena Paige, and Gabi Abbratt


Pharmacy Interventions to Improve Generic Over-the-Counter Drug Knowledge and Use, Nisaratana Sangasubana, Jose Calderon, Goar Alvarez, Nancy Borja, Patrick Hardigan, and Silvia Rabionet


Determinants of the Distribution of Fishes and Corals of Veracruz, Mexico, Richard Spieler and David Gilliam


Emotional Influences on Cognitive Processing in HIV-Infected Women, Jaime Tartar and Kristen DeAlmeida


Cryopreserved Amniotic Membrane for Modulation of Oral Soft Tissue Healing, Ines Velez, William Parker, Michael Siegel, and Mitzi Palazzolo

Submissions from 2008


Correction of Jaccard Similarity Index for Chance Agreement in Cluster Analysis, Ahmed Albatineh


Construction of Metal-organic Frameworks with Potential for Hydrogen Gas Storage, Donald Baird, Patricia Blackwelder, Phillip Fanwick, Kevin Belfield, and Jerome Haky

Vascular Dysregulation During And After Statins Withdrawal: Role Of Small Gtpases, Ana Maria Castejon and Luigi X. Cubeddu


Social Capital, Performance and the Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms, Ramdas Chandra, Ruth Clarke, and Marcilio Machado


Predictors and Consequences of Long-Term Recovery in Narcotics Anonymous, Christian DeLucia, Craig Marker, Stephen Beckjord, Caroline Ducoin, and Duane Kahn


Marital Therapy for Couples at Risk with One or More Children Diagnosed with Autism, Manny Gonzalez-Abreu, Tommie Boyd, and Brian Freedman


Bone Regeneration In Cleft Palate By Postnatal Stem Cells And BMP-2 Treatment, Chun-Yuh Huang, Eric Stelnicki, Franklin Garcia-Godoy, and Peter Murray


The Effect Of Peripheral Vision On Myopia, Bai-Chuan Jiang, Xuehan Qian, and Shiqiang Yang

Role of the JAK2/STAT3 Pathway in Angiotensin II Signaling in Rat Astrocytes, Umadevi Kandalam and Michelle A. Clark


Field Testing Sonar Fishfinders for Manatee Avoidance Technology, Edward Keith


Knowledge and Perceptions of Educators on Bullying and Bullying Prevention, Meline Kevorkian, Patricia Blackwelder, Phillip Fanwick, Kevin Belfield, and Jerome Haky


Learning Differences: Training Personnel to Facilitate Competence, Rhoda Levine, Nadine Barnes, Wren Newman, David Krasky, Erica Friedland, Sandee Dunbar, Kristen Cunningham, Gabriela Barrera, Lisa Chancey, and Sonia Kay


Real-Time Quantitative Analysis of Marine and Other Organismal mRNA Transcriptome, Jose Lopez


The Creation of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds at NSU, Peter Murray, Franklin Garcia Godoy, and Chun-Yuh Huang


The Effects of a Writing Scoring Guide and a Student Model on Writing, Sarah Ransdell and Deborah Seepersaud


Lifestyle Design For Children's Physical, Nutritional, Social And Spiritual Fitness, Elysa Roberts, Sheama Krishnagiri, and Cyril Blavo


Outcomes of an Interdisciplinary Therapy Program for Children with Disabilities, Rebecca Rosenthal, Eric Shamus, Melissa Tovin, Sarah Valley-Gray, Mary Ann Lowe, and Julia Harper


Studies on the Efficacy of Multipurpose Contact Lens Disinfecting Solutions, Scott Schatz, Harold Laubach, Jose Lopez, and Andrew Rogerson


Quality Enhancement Program for the NSU Institutional Review Board, David Thomas and Josephine Shallo-Hoffman


Evaluating the Efficacy of the "Parents Activate Literacy Skills (PALS)" Program, Sarah Valley-Gray, Ralph Cash, Nurit Sheinberg, Debbie Kay, Wilma Robles-Melendez, Amii Corbisiero, Colleen Cullen, Erin Grubbs, Eva Benmeleh, Amy Fishgold, and Cassandra Marcelo


The Hua Matrix Equality and Determinantal Inequalities, Fuzhen Zhang, George Styan, and Jennifer Novak

Submissions from 2007


Ultrastructural Analysis in the Elucidation of Disease in Reef-building Corals, Patricia L. Blackwelder, Alison Moulding, Andrew Rogerson, Abigail Renegar, David A. Portnoy, Aaron Miller, Husain Alsayegh, Deborah J. Gochfeld, Jesse D. Miller, and Kimberly B. Ritchie


Microcirculatory/Edema Fluid Changes After Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Paul Bradley, Neil Spielholz, Yuri Zagvazdin, and Katty Iglesias


Testing Candidate Insulin-Action Genes by siRNA Inhibition, Grady Campbell


Ethnic Identity: Socio-cultural belonging of immigrants in the US and Germany, Julia Chaitin, John Linstroth, Patrick Hiller, Denese Edsall, Gabriele Rosenthal, and Michaela Koettig

Angiotensinogen and ACE2 Expression in Astrocytes of mRen2(27) Transgenic Rats, Michelle Clark


Investigation of Structure and Origin of Kerogen by Ruthenium Tetroxide Oxidation, Veljko Dragojlovic


CPAP vs. Oral appliances: Effect on quality of life, sleepiness and performance, Ana Imia Fins, Cheryl C. Purvis, Donald Antonson, Charles Golden, Frank Hull, Anthony N. Ottaviani, Howell A. Goldberg, Anyika King, Max Mayrink, and Victor Totfalusi


Optometrist in Court: Summative Evaluation of an Innovative Educational Program, N. Scott Gorman, Kathy Cerminara, Michael Flynn, Alex Edmonds, Tom Kennedy, Jerome Hoffamn, Vanessa Morales, and Dinanga Mulumba


Project A+: Autism + Mathematics = Communication: Year 2, Melissa N. Hale, Hui Fang Huang Su, Wendy Masi, Susan Kabot, Michele Kaplan, and Leanne Lai


Impact of Drug Interactions on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors in the United States, 2001 to 2003, Leanne Lai, Sonnia M. Gharib, and Hui Fang Huang Su


Assessment of a Butyrylcholinesterase Variant in Alzheimer's Patients, Gary M. Levin, Sarah Popish, and Naushira Pandya


Quantitative analysis of deep-sea coral habitat structure: east coast of Florida, Charles G. Messing and Joshua S. Feingold


NSU Biomaterials Safety Testing Alternatives To Animal Experimentation, Peter E. Murray and Jonathan A. Coffman