Vision Screening Of Pre-School Children At Nova Southeastern University


David Loshin – College of Optometry Raul Cuadrado – College of Health Care Sciences

Award Date



It is well established that the earlier the treatment of some eye disorders, such as amblyopia and strabismus, the better chance there is to prevent a permanent loss of visual acuity and binocularity. Current vision screening requirements in the state of Florida have not been evaluated for accuracy. This study will test the validity and reliability of the current vision screening requirements for pre-school children for the state of Florida. Young children will be recruited from the NSU Family and Pre-school Center. Method: All children, age 3-5 years old, who attend programs at NSU Family Center and whose parents consent, will be tested with the following vision screening battery, using a multi-station format (each screener performing one task) at the Family Center. The sensitivity and specificity of each screening test will be determined using examination data as the gold standard as will be explained as follows.

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